
Friday, June 5, 2020

The Life of Jellynanna Slideshow


  1. Hi Maea, I love how you added pictures like behind or infront of Jellynana. Have you made a mother Jellynana? If you did make a mum Jellynana would you make it bigger or smaller or the same size? Next time could you make the animation longer and like a routine or something?

    1. Hello Ava,We were going to mke a mother Jellynanna but then we ran out of time And this is jellynannas daily routine.And if we were going to make a mother jellynanna it would be the same hight but if we were to make her she might end up a bit smaller.Thanks for commenting:)

  2. Hi Maea!
    I really like your story about Jellynanna and can tell you put a lot of work into it. You remind me of my comic I made during lockdown. Maybe next time you could make a Jellynanna story part two!

  3. Hi Brooke,Yes we did put alot of work into the slide show most of it was editing Thank you for commenting and next time we will do a part to from Maea:)

  4. I thenk it shoud be called jally nenina

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Toby,Thanks for your comment next time before you post a comment check your spelling.Lots of people think Jelly nanna should be called Jelly nenna but we like his name as it is but Thank you for commenting:)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author

  6. Hi I'm Connor from Yaldhurst Model School
    I like this post because I like animations and animations are very fun to do. But next time could you keep it on the same picture for a while so the person is looks like it's riding the bike or walking? Not just changing the background every single slide.


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