
Monday, December 6, 2021



This is my way of belonging because everything on here means something to me  like the kiwi represents my home and where I belong the animals represents my pets at home and this to me was a good way of showing it.

Friday, December 3, 2021



Tuesday, November 30, 2021


 This week we did another test Last time I got 100/100  and I got 8:05 for my time My aim was to get less than 8:00. This week I got 100/100 and my time was 6:06.

I think we should keep using blooket because I think it has really improved my multiplication skills and It is a really easy and fast way to do so.  

Monday, November 22, 2021



In the last few weeks we have been doing a times table practice on blooket this is a fun and fast way to remember all of your times tables.

Today we did A test to see how much we learned from it and I got 100/100 and My time was 8:05 Next time My Aim is to get less than 8 minutes for my time.

Friday, November 19, 2021



Wednesday, November 10, 2021



Thursday, October 21, 2021



(1) Resilience: I really wanted to make it out onto a raft in beach explore it was around 45 meters out in the ocean I felt confident to do it but I new it would be a challenge my first impression was "this is really cold" but i did not let that stop me I went out it was really cold so I went back in but I went back out and came in but then i went out it was so deep but I still tried try and then I did it.

(2) success: I Succeeded in a few things at camp but there is 1 thing that I was really proud of, which was in high ropes. It was a really cold morning and it was time for high ropes I really wanted to enjoy this because it was my last activity and what i did was this really high rope course it was so high up and I was freezing  but I did it i made it all the way through and Made it down nicely.

(3) Engaged: I think I was really involved in everything did every activity possible because i wanted the best experience that I could get. I was also really proud of everything I did because each activity was a challenge.

(4) Belonging: I was really glad that I was a part of a group because they encouraged me so  much and I think they are the reason that I achieved everything that i did 


Science Update



 The Main problem we are trying to face is the living conditions on mars compared to earth.

                                             AN UPDATE.

The problem is that we need to make an astronaut suit, but there is no time to complete or even start to make the suit.

We started just making the helmets, and they will get finished by the end of next week.

Another problem is that we don't have the materials to make a suit.

Our helmets haven't had anymore happened to them, but what were thinking is that we will paint the helmets the colour for the logo (our favourite colour), and the do the rest of the colours...

Friday, September 17, 2021



Friday, September 10, 2021



Monday, August 2, 2021



This term in science we are learning about space so far we have made a stop motion explaining how day and night is caused.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021



yesterday was our second season of learning a language I picked Hawaiian I have learned a few more Hawaiian words.







And they are all the words I know but there is 1 more word its ohana witch means family.

To learn all of this I have been using duo lingo click the link bellow to check it out.

Duo Lingo

 Do you know any Hawaiian words?

Te Reo


Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Learning Language

 Learning Language

Today I started learning a new language I am learning Hawaiian. My goal is to Learn greeting and how to get to know people in hawaiian language.

This is what I have learned so far:

Aloha Means Hello  

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Samoan Week

 This week is Samoan language week we had to pick 2 topics I picked Samoan songs and Samoan greetings.

Here is the link:

Samoan Slideshow

Thursday, May 27, 2021


 On the 26 of may 2021 Me, Maea, Brooke, Camryn and Charlotte (Freya was meant to come but she was sick.) Everyone went to New Brighton Countdown to give the workers a  gift. The gift was a scrapbook and  video. We got most of the children in the school. In the video we got a small group of children from each classroom to say THANK YOU!  We got our entire classroom to be in one of the videos here is the video.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Art Draft

This is is my Art draft that I have been working on for one day. I completed this on the 31st of march I rate it a 7/10.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Making Graphs

 Making Graphs

This week we have been learning how to make a graph for my maths scores.

Monday, March 8, 2021


- Swimming-

In swimming we have been focusing on 3 different strokes they were Freestyle,breaststroke and backstroke. In breaststroke we have been focusing on putting both of your hands together before pushing them around. In freestyle we have been making sure you have your ears under the water so your legs floating up kicking. In back stroke we have been making sure your have really big arms when there going over your head.    

Friday, March 5, 2021

Shave For a Cure

 Hi! My name is Maea  and I am 10 years old. I am a year 7 student at Rawhiti School. I've decided to do this crazy thing for an amazing cause and shave my hair off to raise money for the Leukaemia and Blood Cancer Foundation. At the start of 2020 my amazing Dad was diagnosed with Myeloma and since then it has been really hard for our family. I love my Dad so much! So I plan on shaving my hair with my awesome friend Charlotte on 31st March at school. I would love your support.

I want to help find more effective treatments to save lives and make sure people with cancer get the support they need to get through.
Did you know that seven people will discover they have blood cancer today? That’s a scary statistic.

So, I need your help!

Link to my shave for a cure page

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Times Table Test

 Today I did a test on my times tables.

I got 100%.

My goal is fluency.

My next step is 100% in less than 9 min.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021



Almost every day we do fitness for the past week we have been doing multiple laps around our school bike track in buddy's trying to run at the same speed with out running out of breath we have also been running  in lines of 10. We have  been a lot doing team activity's like running well holding a tyre then bringing it back to the other team mates. 

Friday, February 12, 2021


Tech is short for technolgy it is where every thursday whe go to linwood collage and learn about all kinds of stuff like cooking,robotics,plastics and lots more. I did cooking and robotics. When I found out I was doing cooking I was happy because I love cooking the first week I made a fruit salad the second week in cooking I made 2 pizza towers. For the first week of robotics it was a bit hard because I am not the best  a reading instructions so it did not go to well with building a robot but the next week was a different story we were much better at building the robot and we coded our robot the best out of our group.

Day One Of Tangaroa

 Day One Of School

The start of a new school year with a new class I had never really been in this class but now after 6 years of being at school my time had come I was a senior. being a year 7 seemed exiting but really it just seemed the same ans any other school year but a new class with new teachers.