
Thursday, October 21, 2021



(1) Resilience: I really wanted to make it out onto a raft in beach explore it was around 45 meters out in the ocean I felt confident to do it but I new it would be a challenge my first impression was "this is really cold" but i did not let that stop me I went out it was really cold so I went back in but I went back out and came in but then i went out it was so deep but I still tried try and then I did it.

(2) success: I Succeeded in a few things at camp but there is 1 thing that I was really proud of, which was in high ropes. It was a really cold morning and it was time for high ropes I really wanted to enjoy this because it was my last activity and what i did was this really high rope course it was so high up and I was freezing  but I did it i made it all the way through and Made it down nicely.

(3) Engaged: I think I was really involved in everything did every activity possible because i wanted the best experience that I could get. I was also really proud of everything I did because each activity was a challenge.

(4) Belonging: I was really glad that I was a part of a group because they encouraged me so  much and I think they are the reason that I achieved everything that i did 


Science Update



 The Main problem we are trying to face is the living conditions on mars compared to earth.

                                             AN UPDATE.

The problem is that we need to make an astronaut suit, but there is no time to complete or even start to make the suit.

We started just making the helmets, and they will get finished by the end of next week.

Another problem is that we don't have the materials to make a suit.

Our helmets haven't had anymore happened to them, but what were thinking is that we will paint the helmets the colour for the logo (our favourite colour), and the do the rest of the colours...