
Monday, December 2, 2019

Monday mash up clay


  For Monday mash up I picked to do clay for the rest of the term we are making Christmas  decorations so far i have made 2 snowman,2 snow-globes,2 gifts,1 Christmas tree and 1 candy cane 
so I have made 8 decorations so far next week i am going to paint them because 5 of them are not dry but 3 of them are at the same time this week I thought I was going to paint them but we did not so next week we are going to paint them when I have painted them and have taken them home I am going to put them under my Christmas tree.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

My point of view chart

Point of View Chart
Text: Should Dogs be banned from the beach?

What do you think?
What do you think?
Because they need to be active and need walks however there owners should stay on a leash.

Dogs need freedom just as much as people do.

And if you are an owner of a dog make sure you don't blame it on the DOG!  

They also need to be fit, otherwise they can’t be playable.

Dogs AND humans need exercise. 
Why? If your dog poop on the beach the owner might not pick it up. 

What do you think?

What do you think?
Healthy dogs need heaps of exercise. Long walks around the beach gives them the opportunity to stretch their legs.

Well-trained dogs cause no problems on the beach.
It might bark and bite people

Friday, September 6, 2019

Thursday, August 15, 2019

story starters survival

you go out of the cave in the icy cold weather and find your friend trapped in a pile of snow and lead her towards the cave as soon as you get back from rescuing. your friends and  you realise that a bear has taken over your cave so you run out of the cave with your friends and you go and find some wood that is good for lighting a fire and light a fire in the cave so you are warm and the bear runs away and you have some blankets in your bag so get them out and you stay and there is a pond near bye so you eat fish and stay put ready for the next day

Thursday, August 8, 2019

New Zealand

New Zealand has a really special environment. Many of the plants and trees found in New Zealand are not found anywhere else in the world. most of these trees and plants are really Beautiful and Special in new zealand trees that grow  here I found anywhere else. I would like to visit the Tane mahuta tree because and if those trees are found in many countries that's why I would like to visit Tane mahuta tree. The  tree is a very special tree because it is a really really rare tree

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Battle bots

Last tuseday we made a battle bot a battle bot is something that you make that has a balloon on the back and a pin at the front whe you battle with the battle bot the aim of the game is to pop as many balloons as you can but try not to get your balloon popped bye another battle bot they all have a balloon at the back and a pin at the front untile the balloon is popped and then you can just try and pop the ones that are left.


Monday, August 5, 2019


 Shopping Stereotypes  

                 Freezer guy= cold

in an isle  being dramatic pretends

to freeze up.

     Rage monster. Makes a mess.
brackes everything because of one
little thing.Takes it out on people
when they did not do anything wrong.
Expiratin Guy=  Goes through the
milk freezer try to find the most
long lasting bottle of milk.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

3 facts about NZ

1.The Maori name of New Zealand is Aotearoa which means the land of the long
white cloud.

2. New Zealand was once
governed as part of the territory of New South Wales and later a part of Australia.

 3.New Zealanders are called Kiwis but kiwi is not a fruit It is New Zealand’s native
flightless birds.

About Christchurch
My hometown is christchurch it has lots of parks to play in and places to eat at like chinese restaurants and places to swim.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Thursday, July 4, 2019

              Orana park trip
On wednesday we went to orana Park first we got into 5 big groups. groups 4 and 5  went out to the bus and then groups 1 2 & 3 went out to the other bus. when we got there  we had to go over some safety rules then groups 4 and 5 went to the other side of the park and then we could go in on  the way we saw some meerkats
 and then we kep walking . we had some morning tea after we saw the kea  they were amazing we saw all three kea we saw the other birds and then we saw the tasmanian devels after that we saw the lions they were so big and hansom and then we saw the tiger his roar was so loud next we had some lunch and then we saw the giraff and then we saw the garila and then we went home.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The wedding


      In the school holidays my mum and dad got married. In the morning on the day of the wedding  I had to go straight to where my mum stayed. She stayed at someone called carols house. When we got there my mum was getting her hair done.
 After her hair was done it was my torn to get my hair done. First the hairdresser curled my hair and when we were waiting for my hair my sister Aaliyah got her hair curled and when we were waiting for her hair to curl the hair dresser toulk my curlers out.
she did the same to Aaliyah,Jayde and Anika. Once we were all done we had to get our dresses on and we took some photos.Then the wedding car arrived but it was a bit early so we went for a little drive.Then we went to the wedding .
When we got there we got ready to walk and then we got told that my big sisters were not there so we waited and then they arrived they had t
once me Aaliyah Jayde and Anika were where my dad was standing my mum started  walking with my grandad and my great granddad when my mum was there they did there thing and then we had a sand ceremony. My grandad  gave me this thing that looks like a horse shoe.

When i got told to go up and put it on my mums wrist  and then they were announced husband and wife . once that was done we walked back down and then we had some photos at the wedding place . my mum and dad went to have some more photos but i don't know where so I can not talk about it. When they got back we had dinner. After dinner we had dessert the desert was so so so good. After that my mum and dad had a dance. Finally they put some music on so we could dance.After that we had to go home with my mums friend lisa.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Full House

   Full House

One day I felt lonely so I said ¨DAD!¨ And he came racing!
He said ¨what is wrong?¨ I said ¨I’m lonely.¨ He said I thought you broke an arm or something.well the reason I called you down is because I’m lonely can you get me something to play with ok let’s go get a toy or something no no no you got that all wrong I want a pet what did you say? I said I want a pet. please tell me you don’t want a horse or something.  well there went that idea. sorry to spoil your good moment it’s just even if we did have a horse we would have to have a big backyard. Plus our house is already full enough anyway ok by dad by dj.DAD! Yes michelle can’t have a pet fish. Maybe said dad. 2 days later michelle! said dad,uncle jesse and joey we have a surprise for you michelle said I’m coming I’m coming I’m here where is my surprise? It is on the table my surprise is a towel? No silly it is under the towel. Oh oh  well go on lift it up. Ok ok 3,2,1 a pet fish! What said dj why does she get a pet. I asked you yesterday and the day before this is so unfair I’m going to my room dj wait.what is wrong well it’s unfair she is younger than me I know it’s just I thought you only wanted a horse no definitely not if I get a pet I don’t care what it is because it is a pet oh oh well in that case let’s go to the pet shop thanks dad that is fine I would do anything to make you happy.


Monday, May 20, 2019

monday mashup

Monday mashup
  • To make a car that is propelled by air
  • To work collaboratively with my buddy

Did your car work? Why or why not
My car didn’t work because we were using toothpick not an axel.


We were using an axel  

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


This fraction shows 1/2

This fraction shows 1/3

This fraction shows 1/4

And this one shows 1/5

This one shows 1/6

And this shows 1/8

What fractions do you know?

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Yr5 camp

we went to waipara adventure center it was so fun we did lots of activtes and fun games my favrite activte was giant swing.have you ben to wiapara?