
Friday, May 24, 2019

Full House

   Full House

One day I felt lonely so I said ¨DAD!¨ And he came racing!
He said ¨what is wrong?¨ I said ¨I’m lonely.¨ He said I thought you broke an arm or something.well the reason I called you down is because I’m lonely can you get me something to play with ok let’s go get a toy or something no no no you got that all wrong I want a pet what did you say? I said I want a pet. please tell me you don’t want a horse or something.  well there went that idea. sorry to spoil your good moment it’s just even if we did have a horse we would have to have a big backyard. Plus our house is already full enough anyway ok by dad by dj.DAD! Yes michelle can’t have a pet fish. Maybe said dad. 2 days later michelle! said dad,uncle jesse and joey we have a surprise for you michelle said I’m coming I’m coming I’m here where is my surprise? It is on the table my surprise is a towel? No silly it is under the towel. Oh oh  well go on lift it up. Ok ok 3,2,1 a pet fish! What said dj why does she get a pet. I asked you yesterday and the day before this is so unfair I’m going to my room dj wait.what is wrong well it’s unfair she is younger than me I know it’s just I thought you only wanted a horse no definitely not if I get a pet I don’t care what it is because it is a pet oh oh well in that case let’s go to the pet shop thanks dad that is fine I would do anything to make you happy.



  1. I like your story it is very creative .It reminds me of the movie. Next time you could add a bit more to your story.

    1. Aaliyah can you please start helping me not just doing it for fun


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