
Monday, March 9, 2020

Student Led Monday Mashup

Today we did student led Monday mash up me and Charlie were the leaders.We made chocolate truffle.We made a few mistakes but it all worked out in the end. In our group was Greta and Aaliyah not as much people as we were expecting but that's fine.
If you were leading what would you lead?


  1. Hey Maea!
    I really like how you have added in 2 pictures! Your post reminds me of how I didn't have very many people in my group either! Next time just make sure that you have full stops where you need them. To answer your question I would probably do salsa dancing again to see if more than 2 people would join in.
    Bye, Brooke.

    1. Thanks brooke next time I will take your advise by putting my punctuation in the right spot.

  2. Hi Maea, I really like how you made mistakes but it worked out in the end. This reminds me of when I did minecraft with Breanna. And to answer your question I would lead hot chocolate and biscuits!! From Mikaela

    1. thanks Mikaela i like how you pointed out how i made mistakes but it all worked out in the end because not many people have pointed that out well know one has pointed that out and i like the choice of what you would lead for Monday mashup thanks for commenting:)


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