
Monday, May 25, 2020

Task Master ball and string

                           Task master
                                 Names: Maea Breanna Sophie Azzy Caily and Olivia '

Today we did a task master. We did it with a string and a ball. We had a small ball , a tennis ball, a plastic egg and a soccer ball. The aim of the game was to make the ball balance on the round metal circle in the middle of the strings. We had to put it in a bowl. We managed to get the tennis ball and the small ball in and the plastic egg in but not the soccer ball. The soccer ball was very hard but we figured out a way to do it.  We didn't get the ball in but we know that it would work. The way we did it was we wrapped the string around the ball so it was in like a net so it would stay in so then we started walking. Right before we put it in the bowl the ball fell out one of the gaps.


  1. Hi Maea,
    I really like how clearly you have explained what you needed to do, especially for someone who wasn't there. Do you think your team worked well together and had good communication?

    1. Hello Bex, thank you for commenting and yes we did have good communication and we worked really well together and once again thank you for commenting.


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