
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Camp Good News

 On Monday the 13/7/2020 I went to Camp Good News in Woodend. On Monday morning I got out of bed at 6:15 to get ready for the bus in English park. At 8:45 the bus left English park and arrived in wood end at around 9:15 so the bus ride was about 30 minutes long.The first thing I did when I got the was meet everyone and make a few friends the first friend's I made were called sophie and my other friends name was also sophie. After that I found out what cabin I was in (I was in cabin 5).There were lots of activity they were go karts,fire pit,areo jump,flying fox,archery,air rifles and orienteering. The first day I did 1 activity's and I did go karts I was pretty good at the go karts but after I while the 1 go kart that they had broke down.The second day I did 2 activity's I did the fire pit first when I was at the fire pit we got to roast marshmallows and cook sausages.The second activity I did was aero  aero jump they hook you onto a harness  and then you jump really high  on a trampoline and do cool tricks.On the third day I also did 2 activity's but this time I did flying fox and archery.The first activity I did on the third day was flying fox on the flying fox they also hook you onto a harness but this time they attach the harness onto a rope and then you jump of a high wooden plank and the go down the flying fox.The second activity I did that day was archery in archery you get a bow and an arrow and fire the arrow and try hit a balloon on the target I did get one of the balloons but it was very hard.On the forth day I did air rifles and 
orienteering. The first activity I did on the forth day was air rifles at the air rifles it was a bit like archery but you had to try and shoot lots more.When I was orienteering we had a bit of paper with a map and the alphabet and we had to find stamps with each letter of the alphabet and then stamp what ever letter it was (we did it in the forest ).The 5th day was the last day on the last day we got to do any activity and I did archery and then the fire pit this time when I did archery I got know balloons but I still hit the target. This time when I went to the fire pit we could only roast marshmallows but it was still really fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hi maea i like the way you wrote down all the things you did. next time you could make all the writing the same size. good job


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