
Thursday, December 3, 2020

A&P Show Poster's

 For the past few days Me,Brooke,Jed and Noah have been creating some posters the slide show above has all of our posters.

Garden 2 Table Site

 For the past week Me,Brooke,Jed and Noah have been working hard to create Rawhiti Schools garden to table site the link below will take you to the site 

Garden 2 Table Site

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Quick Write - Cute Cat


He had eyes As wide a hand and a gold ring inside. White walls as white as a cloud,sheets as soft as a chinchillas fur with a creamy brown color .🤗

Soft and fluffy kitten with what looked to be leopard print covering the entire little kitten. He had a tiny Pitch black nose but that tiny nose could do a lot of sniffing.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Hawaii Report

Making 3D shapes


Today for Maths we made 3D shapes.I made a octahedron this shape is made up of 12 faces,6 vertices and 12 edges. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Tangram Challenge

 Today for math we started Geometry we made a tangram.

This is my tangram I made it by rotating the shapes and putting the shapes beside each other and also looking at how the shapes should be positioned.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Friday, October 16, 2020

Toucan Report


Toucans are a jungle bird.

Toucans beak can grow to be up to 7 inches long they can also get up to 25 inches in height.A toucan can be colors such as black,blue,brown,green,red,white,yellow or a combination of colors.

Toucans use their long bills for getting fruit on the tips of trees. They also eat insects, small reptiles and birds (eggs).They are woodland birds and make their nests by carving holes in trees.

They are not very good at flying.

Toucans live in rainforests through south america.


Dolphin Report


Dolphin’s are marine mammals.Some dolphin’s are different colors such as black,grey,white and sometimes even pink.When a baby dolphin (calve) is born they have small hairs on their rostrum.

Dolphins communicate through chirps and whistles.They hunt in groups sometimes there are over 1,000 dolphin’s in a group (1,000 dolphins in 1 group is called a super pod).They get the water that they need from the food they eat rather than drinking straight from the ocean.They can swim up to 20 miles and stay under water for 8-10 minutes.

Dolphin communicating


Most dolphins are marine and live in the ocean along coast lines sometimes if you are lucky you might even see one at the beach. 

Friday, August 21, 2020

Quick Write

The world started to shake and before I even noticed what had hapened I saw people taking photos of the earth but why I asked myself. I looked at where my house normaly was I wasnt there so I looked up a little bit and there I saw my house,barn and my animals all floating on the grass patch that my house was normaly on. I  remembered that my family was in my house so I got as close as I could and jumped I bearly made the jump but I did and then we live there for the rest of our lives.


Monday, August 17, 2020

Friday, August 14, 2020

3 Story Tree House

There are 2 small children up in there house but they had no normal house they had a tree house.there tree ouse is 3 or more storys high and filled with more than 25 native birds living with them some of the birds were kea,kiwi,pukeko and many many more aling with that. At the bottem floor of the house there was a river so it wasent really a floor it was more like a bath or a pool but wait the is a bright red canoe so it acnt be a pool or a bath so I guess it just has to be a river.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Maths Goals

 Maths Goals

To use appropriate units and devices to measure length

I’m going to measure the chrome book pod

I think it is 90 cm long

The actual measurement is 93.5cm

To use appropriate units and devices to measure area

I’m going to measure the blue table

My estimate is 110cm (length) 80cm (width)

The actual measurement is 120cm (length) 79.5cm (width)

The area is 9540

Monday, August 10, 2020

Maths Measurement

Maths Measurement

Today for Maths we did measurement we had to work out if we were as tall as 5.5 of our feet this is what it said in my book.

Brooke said you are as tall as 5.5 of your feet. 

Is this true? Definately not

My foot is 19.5cm long.

19.5 x 5.5=107.25cm tall if brooke is correct.

If I measure myself with a meter ruler or a measure tape I am 128cm Tall.

This proves that brooke is false.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Friday, July 24, 2020

My Measurement investigation

My Measurement Investigation.
My buddy is Ava
We are going to measure the front of the classroms
My estimate is 500m
Ava's estimate is 700m

The accurate measurement is

We are going to measure the bag racks
My estimate is 2m high and 3m long
Ava's estimate is 2m high and 3m long

The accurate measurement is 3m long and 1.95m high

Quick Write


One morning on the 31.12.19 a young girl got out of bed to see a bright purple genie floating above her. She whispered to the genie who are you? The genie loudly responded I an who will make all your dreams come true.The girl was confused she said to her self that bright purple blob cant do that so she asked can you make this carpet fly me anywhere  he said hop on and enjoy your ride.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Camp Good News

 On Monday the 13/7/2020 I went to Camp Good News in Woodend. On Monday morning I got out of bed at 6:15 to get ready for the bus in English park. At 8:45 the bus left English park and arrived in wood end at around 9:15 so the bus ride was about 30 minutes long.The first thing I did when I got the was meet everyone and make a few friends the first friend's I made were called sophie and my other friends name was also sophie. After that I found out what cabin I was in (I was in cabin 5).There were lots of activity they were go karts,fire pit,areo jump,flying fox,archery,air rifles and orienteering. The first day I did 1 activity's and I did go karts I was pretty good at the go karts but after I while the 1 go kart that they had broke down.The second day I did 2 activity's I did the fire pit first when I was at the fire pit we got to roast marshmallows and cook sausages.The second activity I did was aero  aero jump they hook you onto a harness  and then you jump really high  on a trampoline and do cool tricks.On the third day I also did 2 activity's but this time I did flying fox and archery.The first activity I did on the third day was flying fox on the flying fox they also hook you onto a harness but this time they attach the harness onto a rope and then you jump of a high wooden plank and the go down the flying fox.The second activity I did that day was archery in archery you get a bow and an arrow and fire the arrow and try hit a balloon on the target I did get one of the balloons but it was very hard.On the forth day I did air rifles and 
orienteering. The first activity I did on the forth day was air rifles at the air rifles it was a bit like archery but you had to try and shoot lots more.When I was orienteering we had a bit of paper with a map and the alphabet and we had to find stamps with each letter of the alphabet and then stamp what ever letter it was (we did it in the forest ).The 5th day was the last day on the last day we got to do any activity and I did archery and then the fire pit this time when I did archery I got know balloons but I still hit the target. This time when I went to the fire pit we could only roast marshmallows but it was still really fun.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Quick Write Elephants

Two giant grey mammals with big white tuscks and huge floppy ears. Massive trunk swishing through the mud around  them. Tall trees only a few with leaves still left on them.The big grey mammlas are stomping around and playing it the mud.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Chrome Music Lab

Today for Monday Mashup I did music. For music we got to explore chrome music lab.
We learned to play rhythm, chords, sound waves and much more. My favourite one was the rhythm.

Have you ever made music on music lab?

Monday, June 8, 2020

Monday Mash Up Music

Monday Mash Up Music
Today for Monday Mashup I did music.I played the triangle And  the tambourine There were a few more instruments But I  only played 2.We had groups of 4 we were in 2 groups the people in my first group was Ava, Anika, Uanita and me in my second group was 
                  Layla,Everley,and charlie.   

Friday, June 5, 2020

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Monday, May 25, 2020

Task Master ball and string

                           Task master
                                 Names: Maea Breanna Sophie Azzy Caily and Olivia '

Today we did a task master. We did it with a string and a ball. We had a small ball , a tennis ball, a plastic egg and a soccer ball. The aim of the game was to make the ball balance on the round metal circle in the middle of the strings. We had to put it in a bowl. We managed to get the tennis ball and the small ball in and the plastic egg in but not the soccer ball. The soccer ball was very hard but we figured out a way to do it.  We didn't get the ball in but we know that it would work. The way we did it was we wrapped the string around the ball so it was in like a net so it would stay in so then we started walking. Right before we put it in the bowl the ball fell out one of the gaps.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

My Lip Sync Plan

For the past few days Me, Ava, Sophie and Mikaela are doing a lip sync. At the moment we are making the video but we keep on failing and laughing in the middle of it.The song we are doing is "Girls just wanna have fun". We are not just doing a lip sync though we have a dance to go with it. It is really confusing because we keep laughing but we are hoping to have it done by the end of the week.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Student Led Monday Mashup

Today we did student led Monday mash up me and Charlie were the leaders.We made chocolate truffle.We made a few mistakes but it all worked out in the end. In our group was Greta and Aaliyah not as much people as we were expecting but that's fine.
If you were leading what would you lead?

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Basic Facts Scores

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For the past few weeks we have been doing basic facts for math's I did level 6 we have been doing this from the 13th of February.

On the 18th I got 3 more than on the 27th.
On the 13th I go the same amount as the 20th.    

Monday, February 24, 2020

Fire Breathing Dragon

My dragon fly landscape

                   My dragon fly landscape


           1) first we had to get a dragon fly template and trace it or you can make your own template and trace it.

2) color or paint the insect.(but don't color the wings )

3) get a black sharpie and add detail to the wings.

4) get a peace of paper and paint neatly around the edges.

5) cut out pieces of paper for grass and seeweed.

6) stick everything on.

What insect did you make if you made one?       

Friday, February 21, 2020

Monday, February 17, 2020

Thursday, February 13, 2020